
I thought we were cool, Netflix.

I received a distressing e-mail from Netflix earlier today.  This e-mail explained to me that if I want to pay $7.99 a month, I will have to choose between unlimited streaming/one DVD at a time. Come on, Netflix....COME ON!  In order to keep one DVD at a time plus streaming, its $15.98.  That's quite a hike from the $9.99 I pay monthly.  Should I take the financial hit or choose between the two?  Getting DVDs in the mail is joyous.  Seeing those bright red envelopes peeking out of my mailbox warms my heart.  However, I depend on streaming these days for my film classes.  This is like Sophie's Choice.  Wait, I've never actually seen that, I wonder if it's available for streaming.................damnit.

Well, I want to share that I recently went to Sicily with a VCU film study abroad program.  I shall go into dirty details later, but right now, I just want to show some pictures:

These were all shot on my Canon Rebel EOS 2000.

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