
Peeks, Peaks, and Valleys

The light softly filtering through the alleyway outside of my bedroom window informs me of the breaking day.  My days and nights, mornings and evenings, dusks and dawns, afternoons and midnights have been running together.  It's like I'm experiencing some existential summer mash-up.  I think the heat is playing a large role in my foggy delirium, these triple digits are obliterating my brain cells.  I am just grateful that the "big" move is over.  Like early man, I have changed locations to better suit my needs (if my needs include a shorter commute to school and better coffee houses).  My fairly bare room is playing into my barely there state of mind.  

 My window kind of faces a brick wall, but it is a very interesting brick wall.
 If you're wondering what that is on my desk, it's a promo poster for the new film Beginners.
I'm not going to hide my trash from you good people. 

I have big plans for this apartment: bookshelves constructed from discarded dresser drawers, knitted light installments, a sewing corner, a craft chest, a hallway devoted entirely to movie posters- everything from "The Seventh Seal" to "Clueless"-, and a room divider made entirely out of beer cans, just to name a few.  As I putter around this empty, spacious apartment by myself, the possibilities overwhelm me.  Since I cannot salvage recyclables in this heat and I have no money for supplies, I have spent most of my days here sleeping in, working on my résumé, dancing to some folksy tunes, and watching episode after episode of Battlestar Galactica.  

Now if you'll excuse me, the coffee shop Crossroads across the street from my apartment opens in 5 minutes and they serve up a mean tofu scramble burrito.  Happy Sunday.